Saturday, February 29, 2020

EOTO History of Photography

For the EOTO assignment I was given the topic of photography to research. The basic concept of photography has been around since about the 5th century B.C. The first camera obscura used a pinhole in a tent to project an image from outside the tent into the darkened area. In 1814 Joseph Niepce achieves first photographic image using an early device for projecting real-life imagery called a camera obscura. However, the image required eight hours of light exposure and later faded. So in 1837 Louis Daguerre's created his first daguerreotype, an image that was fixed and did not fade and needed under thirty minutes of light exposure. In 1843 The first advertisement with a photograph is published in Philadelphia. In 1913 First 35mm still camera is developed. By 1948 Edwin Land managed to launch and market the Polaroid camera. In 1963 Polaroid introduces the instant color film. In 1973 Polaroid introduces one-step instant photography with the SX-70 camera. In 1978 Konica introduces the first point-and-shoot auto-focus camera.

The Positive effect that photography can have is that there can be a lower initial cost for a film camera than for a comparable digital camera, film delivers a higher dynamic range, which makes it better at capturing detail in whites and blacks, film photography is more forgiving of minor focusing issues and exposure problems, a film camera often has a higher resolution than what is found in most digital cameras and film photographers with a limited number of exposures available on a roll of the film must think more about their images before shooting them.
The negatives that photography can have are, film cameras are usually heavier than similar-sized digital cameras, film storage takes up a lot of physical space, purchasing and developing film is a continuing cost and the film must be developed before viewing, so you can end up developing poor photo captures or images taken unintentionally.

From those years till now photography has come a long way from film photography. since then we have digital photography where people can use their phones and small pocket sized cameras instead of having to lug around a huge camera that hangs around your neck. Although going digital may be more expensive it gives users the ability to see their pictures instantly instead of having to go to a store and get them processed so it basically saves them a lot of time and money. But there are some people out there who don’t like digital photos and want to keep it old school and stick with film photography.


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