Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Progressive Era

For many millennial's and those born in the Gen-Z era unless you faithfully watch the news and keep up with the war sites we typically don't really keep up with the news of the wars that America is fighting unless its the one were fighting in the middle east that we've been in for years. But typically if war news isn't plastered on a main stream news website then we probably will have no knowledge of it. That's because all the war news that we see come across our phones and television screens are always positive towards the U.S. and you will never see anything negative come across your screens about the U.S. which leaves me to think " is the government trying to silence those who are against war or do we as the people of america just ignore those Anti-war headlines.

If it weren't for this assignment I probably would still have no clue that these anti-war websites existed. This website is updated daily just like the recent headline that was updated today it says "US Forces Conduct Airstrike on Taliban Soldiers" I wouldn't have even seen that headline if I hadn't have went to the site because no major news station like CNN, MSNBC, etc. But if top main stream media outlets do cover the story its not for very long and they don't really hit the strong points of the story and once the piece is over it seems to never be brought again so viewers don't gt the full story.

The reason I think you have to actually seek out these websites is because it seems like the government doesn't want citizens to see the bad side of america whether it be foreign affairs or  foreign wars


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