Monday, May 4, 2020

Blog Final Post

Technology has been a part of our life’s for some time now and you can say that technology has its pros and cons. Technology gives us the ability to access more information, if it wasn't for the internet we wouldn't be able to access real-time updates of news stories, play games, or chat with someone who is on the other side of the planet. The internet also allows us to experience different perspectives, ideas, and cultures from all over the world. Technology definitely has its pros but if you take a minute and look at the dark side of the internet you will see a different story. On the other side of the internet you have people who like to cyberbully and make people feel bad. People started cyber-bullying just for their own entertainment or just to make themselves feel better. Another con that technology has is that it creates a social disconnect between us. We spend more time talking to one another over the internet than actually going out and talking face to face.
Personally I believe that I have a healthy relationship with technology because when I’m not using it I’m doing something productive with that time and when I do use technology I only use it for classes and maybe to watch movies or youtube videos and occasionally to play video games. Honestly technology can make you smarter and be can also be misleading in ways like if you are doing research if you go to the right websites you can actually learn some useful things but then again not every website is truthful so if you click it thinking that the information on it is correct, it could in fact be misleading you and everything on it could be completely wrong.
We believe that technology is a key piece of our society but really that all depends on how we use it. Like I said before some of us have actual good uses for technology like learning new material and communicating with other we haven’t seen in a while or just simply playing games or reading the news. But then you have those who use technology to cyberbully people and hack things. So really we need to be careful how we use our technology.


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